Experience the freedom of helmet-free electric fatbikes

Imagine cruising past the most beautiful places, the wind through your hair and the freedom to ride without the hindrance of a helmet. It sounds like a dream, but with electric fatbikes, this dream becomes a reality. At STOER Bikes, we believe in embracing adventure without limitations, and that starts with understanding the rules and possibilities surrounding electric fatbikes. In this blog, you'll read why these unique bikes offer you the ultimate freedom, without the obligation of a helmet.


The rise of the electric fatbike: What is a fatbike?

In a world where electric mobility is becoming the norm, electric fatbikes are no exception. Originating from the need for more power and endurance during off-road adventures, these bikes have quickly gained ground in the world of cycling. The electric fatbike is especially popular among the young and can now be found not only on adventure terrains, but also a lot in cities.

A fatbike is characterized by its rugged design with large, wide tires. These tires are often two to three times wider than those of traditional mountain bikes or road bikes. This allows you to easily ride on uneven and rough surfaces, such as sand, snow and mud. In addition, fatbikes are electric, which doesn't mean that you don't have to pedal anymore, because you definitely don't. It provides support for the rotation that you still have to take care of yourself.
In addition, fat bikes are electric, which does not mean that you no longer have to pedal, because that is certainly not the case. It offers support with the rotation that you still have to take care of yourself.

Is a fatbike safe?

A fatbike's wide tires provide a large surface area of contact with the ground, giving the bike better grip and stability, even on loose or uneven surfaces. Whether you're riding through snow, mud or sand, a fatbike gives you stability and control.

In addition to wide tires, fatbikes often have a sturdy frame and custom suspension to improve ride comfort and absorb shocks while riding on rough terrain. Many fatbikes are also equipped with disc brakes for powerful and reliable braking performance.

You must own an approved fatbike to be insured. This means that the RDW must have approved the bike. This approval means that the bike cannot exceed 25 kilometers per hour and/or the power does not exceed 250 watts.

There are fatbike brands that assemble fatbikes with the cheapest possible parts. Parts that, for example, can rust, wear out quickly and thus indirectly pose a safety hazard. Therefore, always do your research well before buying a fatbike!

Experience the freedom of helmet-free electric fatbikes

Helmet mandatory or not?

From January 1, 2023, helmet requirements for mopeds have been introduced. But an electric fatbike is not a moped! An electric bicycle, including the electric fatbike, cannot go faster than 25 km/per hour. All bicycles traveling under 25 km/h are not required to wear a helmet. In the Netherlands, wearing a helmet while riding a fatbike is therefore also not required by law.

Please note that the fat bike cannot exceed 25 kilometers per hour, as there are fat bikes that can be souped up. They sometimes go twice as fast as allowed. Also, you can barely hear these bikes coming because of the electric drive, which can make it dangerous. The ILT inspects and approves the bikes. If the bikes are sold without approval, the sellers risk a fine to stop the violation and the fatbikes can be confiscated.

The benefits of electric fatbikes: Discover the freedom

Thanks to electric assistance, you can cover long distances easily and quickly, so your own physical stamina is no longer in the way. Whether you are riding an exciting off-road route or just want to enjoy a relaxing ride through nature or city, an electric fatbike opens the door to endless possibilities.

Freedom for you and your child!
As parents, you too may want to get out and about, but at the same time have your children close to you. You can! With the STOER Bikes child seats that can be mounted on your STOER Bike. You can find everything about child seats and optimizing safety in our blog. fatbike child seat.

Safety first: Although there is no helmet requirement, safety remains essential

While it is true that there is no helmet requirement for electric fatbikes, safety is always a priority when electric biking. Wearing a helmet is highly recommended to protect yourself from potential falls and unforeseen circumstances during your adventure. So remember: no matter how tough you are, safety always comes first.
It is also important to respect traffic rules, be visible to other road users and regularly maintain your bike for a safe and enjoyable ride.

Rules and guidelines for electric bicycles (e-bike, e-bike and fatbike): What you need to know

Although there is no helmet requirement for fatbikes, there are still rules and guidelines to consider. For example, you must always follow traffic rules and be considerate of other road users.


  • No driver's license required.
  • No helmet requirement.
  • No Third Party Liability (WA).
  • No minimum age.
  • Maximum speed: 25 kilometers per hour.
  • Power electric motor: 250 watts.
  • Place on the road: bike lane and bike/moped lane.

More information on electric bicycle rules and guidelines can be found on the website of the State government electric bikes.

So wearing a helmet is not mandatory, but of course each person can make their own choice whether or not to wear a helmet. If anyone does decide to wear a helmet, at least choose a high-quality helmet that meets safety standards.

Electric fatbikes offer a unique combination of freedom, adventure and convenience. Although there is no helmet requirement, we stress the importance of safety and responsibility on every ride. So, what are you waiting for? Hop on your fatbike!

Beyond your own safety, putting your fatbike down safely is also important. For example, how do you make sure your fatbike doesn't get stolen? In the blog "Prevent your fatbike from being stolen" you will read, among other things, tips on handy gadgets and how to best lock your fatbike.

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